- To have a centralized space which allows for sharing materials, such as session planners, videos, curriculum, articles, ideas and best practices
- To support the players and coaches to develop their knowledge and skills
- Players and Coaches can access the VLE in their own time frame and from a distance
- To encourage interaction between coaches and between players
- Easy to access and easy to use
- To improve the quality and uniformity of coaching e.g. common philosophy, consistent information
- It can be updated regularly
- Start a Google + Circle .For information on using Google + see here and can you familiarize yourselves with the Beginners Guide to Google + also here Having set up your Hub then invite your target group to join. You can set up a group for your club, for a team, for a group of coaches or a group of parents ...or all of the above! Use the discussion function of Google + to ask questions of your group and provoke them to engage with each other through this forum
- Use Google Alerts and/or set up a Scoop.it account to allow these tools to suggest new content for your Hub
- Use Collections - the newly added feature of Google + to create topic files. 5 Tips to use Google Collections
- Create your own Club /School You Tube Channel , Use Playlists to link your chosen videos together. More on Playlists here .Link the Google + site ( now THE HUB) to the your new You Tube Chanel via the You Tube link tab on your Hub
- Add Sub titles and Captions to personalize your video playlist e.g. you can select clips for individual players relative to their position and name reference them in the video clip!
- Use any video clips from You Tube to set up interactive tasks and discussions via TedEdThis is an amazing free tool
- Shoot video on your phone or tablet to upload to the appropriate area of your Hub and encourage your group to do the same
- Recognize and Reward progress by providing Digital Badges to the Profiles of your group using Mozilla Badges
- Sarah Fawcett added captions and graphics in her collection of short clips shot by herself , added some captions and graphics here and then included these in a TedEd quiz for her players here
- Htut Zar has also used TedEd and has been able to use all the functions of Ted d e.g. Explanation, Discussion, Follow Up Content to consolidate learning See here
- Coach Noom used Google + here very effectively

- 70% by DOING the job
- 20% from OTHER WORKERS
- 10% from courses and reading"
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